Senior pictures
Here are some of my senior pictures that I got done at school a few weeks ago. The first 4 are the ones that I bought, but the rest are ones that we didn't buy, but we got them back cause they were the previews. But they're done on a weird paper, so they didn't scan very well.
Wallet #1
I look purty. hehe ^_^ |
Wallet #2
Okay it scanned funny, it doesn't really look that that. Also the scanned version makes my eyes look funny. They don't really look like that in the picture...stupid scanner.
Big Picture!
Its the spiffy 3"x5" ^_^ |
One of the previews
This picture is one of the previews we had to choose from to buy, and they printed all the previews on a really weird paper, and it makes the photos come out looking like there are little spekles on them. So that is why they look kinda of weird.
Another one of the previews |
Another picture
This one is alright, but I didn't like it that much.
It's blue and sparkly! Yay! |