An Autumn's Destiny
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I welcome thee to my humble home. ^_^
I've worked on adding a lot more pictures to my site. As you've probably noticed, those are the only pages I have up really, picture pages I mean. I've cleaned out the old pictures and replaced them with new ones. So you'll have to go through all the pages and check out what pictures I have up there. Feel free to let me know what you think in the guestbook.
Site Updates
What I have updated:

7/30/02 I changed a bunch of pictures in the Photo Page. Go check 'em out!

7/8/02 I added a new photo page with some pictures that were taken while I was at Disney World this past weekend.

6/19/02 I added 2 more photo pages with pictures from prom, the play, and school.

Concerning the Site
If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or anything about the site, feel free to email me about them and I'll get back to you on it as soon as I can.

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Yes I put this banner on here, please check it out and join.

Where are
you from:

Picture of the Week(or whenever I remember to put up another picture)
This is a weird picture me and Jeanette took of ourselves. We were "thugs" haha Oh yeah! We're cool! haha
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